Finding affordable web hosting these days is easier than it has ever been before. As more companies compete against each other trying to offer their users an array of features, options and perks the affordability of web hosting has never been better. One of the largest domain name and web hosting providers is still

From Quick Guide: Website Hosting Guide
Things You'll Need:
- Yahoo Web Hosting account
- Internet access
- Computer
- Website files
- Step 1Log on to Yahoo Web Hosting account to upload files. Use the “Resources” link below to visit the login page for Yahoo Web Hosting. Left-click on the “Small Business” tab in the upper right-hand side of the screen; this will take you to a log in page. Enter your user name and password to log in and click on “Sign In.”
- Step 2Select the domain that you wish to upload files to. Depending how many domains you have, you may need to scroll to the domain that you wish to upload files to. There is an arrow button next to each domain on the left-hand side. Left-click on the arrow button to open the domain functions.
- Step 3Enter into the domain management screen. On the left tab under the domain box, there is a tab labeled “Web Hosting Control Panel”; left-click on this tab to enter the control panel.
- Step 4Enter the file management submenu to upload files. Under the Web Hosting Control Panel command bar there will be a tab labeled “Manage”; left-click on this tab to enter the file management menu of your domain.
- Step 5Enter into the file manager to upload files. Under the Manage section there will be several tabs listed in the “Tools for Managing Your Site” box; left-click on the “File Manager” tab to upload files to your domain.
- Step 6Upload files into file manager. On the right-hand side of the screen, near the top, there will be a link labeled “Upload Files." Left-click on this link and you will be taken to an upload box. Browse to the desired files and upload them. If you need to add more files to the upload, click on the “Add More Files” button on the lower left-hand corner of the screen.
How to Publish a Website Manually in Yahoo Domains Hosting
Read more: How to Publish a Website Manually in Yahoo Domains Hosting |